21 April 2020

Adobe Summit Sneaks - Snippets

Hey everyone and welcome back to another
Hussey Coding blog

Today we are continuing our look at the sneaks from this years Adobe summit, in case you missed our first blog on them then sneaks are basically sneak previews of things that Adobe are currently working on behind the scenes. Hyman Chung presents this latest sneak named project snippet which is set to change the way digital marketers and content creators display and target audience groups.
For this session, found between 6.15 and 9.50 of the video, Hyman is playing a content marketer for a holiday blog and has published an article about things to do in Australia. There are multiple sections to this article such as sightseeing, wine tasting, adventuring and so on which traditionally all need to be captured into one paragraph and an image on the sites home page which can be a difficult and time consuming thing to do.

Using the power of AI and Adobe sensei, snippets can create smart variations of audiences to target particular customer groups. Sensei uses its insights and data of these variation groups and couples them with the content of the article most attractive to that group and then displays that content on the home page. So if you like adventure holidays then when you go to the site that's the section of the article that will greet you on the homepage, if you like relaxing holidays then that portion will be waiting for you.

But wait, there's more! each section has a snippet quality score making it easier for you to determine it's effectiveness. You are also able to ask snippets to suggest new images and headlines to increase this score and reach more people. Then when you are happy with it all you can preview each section from the home page before publishing your article.

All in all this is a nice tool for those who are content creators or marketers looking to lighten the load and utilize the power of Adobe and you can check out the whole video here Adobe Summit Sneaks.
Thank you as always for being with us today, check out all our social media links below and please help support Hussey Coding by liking and sharing this article with you friends, collogues and social audience.
Until Friday stay safe and have a great day.

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