8 June 2020

Meet Magento UK '20 - Karolina Szachnowicz, Dan Payton & Ray Bogman

Hello there Magento maniacs and welcome back to another blog by

Hussey Coding

Today is day 6 of our Meet Magent UK mini-series and the fun just keeps on coming!

Before we begin we have some housekeeping to go over.

Some of you may remember that at the beginning of this series we said that we were going to be posting every day, including weekends. Obviously, that didn't happen due to things in and beyond our control.

To make up for that we are ramping up the pace here and now we'll be bringing you 3, yes 3, sessions per post.

Also the more astute among you will notice that today we'll be missing out the Merchant track, this is because at last check before posting the Merchant talk #3 is TBC, which makes for a very short and uninteresting segment but never fear, as soon as we have information on this session we will be covering it.

With that out of the way, it's time to take a look at today's speakers.

Karolina Szachnowicz

Technical Track 11:35 - 12:10

What Can Test Automation Do For You? Save time, reduce cost and minimise risk.

This is very much a does what it says on the tin kinda session, Karolina is going to come and talk to us about Automated testing and explain how it saves time, reduces cost and will minimise all sorts of risks, which if you know what automated testing is, is probably a given, however, for those of you who may be coming across this term for the first time lets take a look.

Automated testing is when a developer or someone working with the code wants to know if what they want to happen happens before putting it out there or if there are problems they may have missed. They can easily be run by computers that can cypher through hundreds of scenarios in seconds, which is where it gets its name of automated testing. It's one of those tasks that can seem like a pain now but in the long term can save you time, money and reputation as a developer. 

Who's it for?

If you are a Magento developer or are interested in coding tips and tricks then this is the session for you.

Who is Karolina Szachnowicz?

As a QA test analyst at Access intelligence Plc., Gear4music Ltd. and Beer Hawk Karolina, who is now the test lead of Beer Hawk, brings with her years of valuable experience in the world of automated testing.  

To find out more or to contact Karolina or Beer Hawk follow the links below

Karolina Szachnowicz

LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/karolina-szachnowicz-920a59146

Twitter - twitter.com/szachnowiczk

Beer Hawk

Website - beerhawk.co.uk

LinkedIn - linkedin.com/company/beer-hawk

Twitter - twitter.com/TheBeerHawk

Dan Payton

Solution Track 11:35 - 12:10

Klarna: Beyond 2020, The future of Retail

Klarna is a buy now pay later service that you as a store owner can add to your store. Traditionally BNPL (Buy now, pay later) services are great for driving up sales as they make higher-end, more expensive items seem more affordable by breaking up payments into monthly instalments. Klarna offers your customers the opportunity to buy your products in 3 monthly instalments completely interest-free while paying you in full at the point of purchase. They also offer a 30-day payment plan and a 6-36 month finance option all of which are quick and easy to do.

Who's it for?

If you own a Magento store then this is worth checking out, especially if you sell higher-end or expensive products.

Who is Dan Payton?

With 20 years of industry experience, Dan has lead sales teams in various companies such as CCP Group Plc., LBM, Pipex Communications and Cosmos holidays as well as being operations manager at my wendy house Ltd., partnership manager at Laser UK, strategic partnership manager at ThinkSmart Ltd., Key account & relationship manager at close brothers motor finance before becoming the commercial manager at Klarna.

To connect with Dan or Klarna just follow the links below

Dan Payton

LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/dan-payton-4a071637

Twitter - twitter.com/Dan82090432


Website - klarna.com/uk
Facebook - facebook.com/KlarnaUK

LinkedIn - linkedin.com/company/klarna

Twitter - twitter.com/Klarna

Instagram - instagram.com/klarna.uk

Ray Bogman

Platform Track - 11:35 - 12:10

Ten building blocks of digital transformation / "Innovation matrix"

Taking into consideration that all we have to go on right now is a title, this session could be on several things. Ray could be talking digital transformation in a general sense, what can you and I do to encourage and embrace this and here are 10 ways to do it, he could be talking about Magento's innovations lab which recognises members of the Magento community, showcases their work in Magento development and actively encourages the Magento community to get involved in redefining eCommerce as we know it, he could be talking about using an existing innovation matrix, something completely different OR all of the above! 

Who's it for?

If you have an interest in the inner workings of the Magento platform, own or have recently opened an online store or just want to increase your innovative productivity then this is the talk for you.

Who is Ray Bogman?

Ray is currently the senior business solution architect for Magento and has a varied, accomplished career in business including tech lead at TEDxAmstelveen, CTO & Co-founder of Rapido internet solutions B.V. and a Gastredacteur, which Google translate tells me is a guest editor, for the F&L publishing group.

For more information on Ray follow the links below

Ray Bogman

LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/raybogman

Twitter - twitter.com/raybogman

Join us again tomorrow for day 7 of our mini-series where we'll be checking out another 3 of the day's speakers and don't forget to head on over to the Meet Magento UK 20 site right now to grab your pay what you can ticket and help support people who need help the most during this time.


Until then, thanks for your understanding and support, stay safe and have a great day!

Want to contact Hussey Coding? here's how
Mail us at info@husseycoding.co.uk
Visit us at www.husseycoding.co.uk

You can also join all the fun on our various social media profiles
Facebook - facebook.com/husseycoding
Twitter - twitter.com/husseycoding
LinkedIn - linkedin.com/company/hussey-coding

Sign up to developer connection at www.developerconnection.co.uk
Facebook - facebook.com/DeveloperConnection
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